Better late than never

Better late than never

An interesting news story about a much delayed letter from Somerset being delivered in Northumberland has just appeared on the BBC website. It concerns a letter written in 1995, that was only delivered to its address this week.

The people who live at this address now are not the people who did so in 1995. Some small pieces of information about the previous resident, an elderly woman, have also come to light, but there is nothing to explain why the letter has been delayed by nearly 30 years, just the fact that it happened as witnessed by the address and date on the letter-head and date stamps  on the envelope from different postal offices. What activities on the part of recipient or writer might have been set off if it had been delivered on time? Where has it been in the interim period? What further effects is it having now? In some ways it is a non-letter, but it has had many effects and repercussions.

Last updated: 20 January 2023


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