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Occasional WWW podcasts and those from a number of presentations given at three conferences organised around publication of The Archive Project can be accessed here.

Researching Social Change and ‘whiteness’ in South Africa 1770s-1970s
Liz Stanley, University of Edinburgh [introduction to the WWW project]

Not quite modernist, not quite an editor, not quite texts: other readers and unfixed writings
Liz Stanley, University of Edinburgh [short presentation given at New Modernist Editing symposium, Durham, Feb 2017]

Where, what and who is s/he? Picture postcards from the archive, the collection and the trace 
Liz Stanley, University of Edinburgh [presentation at Edinburgh Archive conference 1 on ‘the trace’, Jan 2017]

New! Soweto, Sharpeville, Marikana, and a picture’s worth a thousand words?
Liz Stanley, University of Edinburgh [presentation at London Archive conference 2 on ‘the collection’ & metaphor, March 2017]

New! Before the letter: Writing, scribbling & the archive
Liz Stanley, University of Edinburgh [presentation at Cambridge Archive conference 3 on ‘the archive’ & writing, June 2017]

Pods From the Edinburgh ‘Tracing the Trace’ conference, 13 January 2017 [podcasts from related conferences will be found on The Archive Project webpages]

Tracks and Traces: geographies, histories, memories
Maria Tamboukou, University of East London 

Where, what and who is s/he? Picture postcards from the archive, the collection and the trace 
Liz Stanley, University of Edinburgh

Making and erasing traces
Niamh Moore, University of Edinburgh

Tracing Dance – Dancing Traces: Participatory and embodied approaches to dance archives and archiving
Astrid von Rosen, University of Gothenburg

Making Sense of the Mehew Collection: Uses of Scholars’ Archives
Lena Wånggren, Edinburgh & Edinburgh Napier, & Duncan Milne Edinburgh Napier

Indexing, metadata and archival discovery: the role of the digital ‘trace’ in online collections of government records
Fabio Antonini, Taylor & Francis

Lost local traces: How national and local narratives overlap in a town’s space
Agnieska Szurek, University of Warsaw

Tracing the Tracing of the Trace: Going round in circles in the archive
Jenny Bunn, University College London

Last updated: 1 January 2018


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