Special Lives & Letters mailing: Project website feedback

Special Lives & Letters mailing: Project website feedback

Dear Colleagues,

If you use or have ever used the Whites Writing Whiteness website, please spare us five minutes to provide some short feedback and help us plan future improvements. Just write quick responses to each of the ten questions below, please, and press ‘return’! Thank you.

1. How many times approximately have you visited the WWW website in total?

2. Why do you use the WWW website? [eg. general interest / own research/ research for course or dissertation / research for a book / other (please specify)]

3. On your last visit, what page/s did you go to?

4. On your last visit, about how much time did you spend on the website?

5. What parts of the website do you most like?

6. Are there parts of the website that don’t work so well?

7. Are there things you would like more of?

8. What things aren’t presently provided on the website that you would like?

9. Anything else you’d like to comment on?
10. What country are you emailing from and are the speeds of Whites Writing Whiteness pages loading okay?


Last updated:  3 October 2018


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