Researching Social Change

Researching Social Change and ‘whiteness’ in South Africa 1770s-1970s

Please reference as: Liz Stanley (2018) ‘Researching social change and whiteness in South Africa 1770s to 1970s’ Whites Writing Whiteness and provide the paragraph number as appropriate when quoting.

A short podcast on ‘Researching social change and whiteness in South Africa 1770s to 1970s: Methodological beginnings for the Whites Writing Whiteness project’ was made in 2013. It provides an illustrated overview of two connected pieces of very earlr work in the life of the project. These concern two different methodological means of analysing the letters-data that the research is focused on.

Download the podcast here (5.3 mb, PowerPoint presentation file with audio). To view, press the ‘Slide Show’ tab and select ‘From Beginning’. Please note that the podcast will not run on iPads at the moment; apologies for this.



Last updated: 1 January 2018


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