A post-Christmas blog

A post-Christmas blog

A very quick post-Christmas blog to say that much time over the last two weeks has been spent in my favourite activity, ‘cleaning files’. This time, rather than data files, the files that have been cleaned, and are still in process of being cleaned, are all the others on the WWW website. Yes, every single one of them. This is a preliminary to building the new research website hosted by HRI Digital at the University of Sheffield. A preliminary – very preliminary – prototype now exists, so populating it will soon commence. This also provides the opportunity for re-looking at all of these files anyway, to make sure that they are all up-to-date and tickety-boo. There are times when waking early can be beneficial! I’ve been carrying on doing this over Christmas 5-9am, but have escaped being told off for working when I should be ‘relaxing‘. There is nothing like cleaning files for relaxing, I say!


Last updated: 28 December 2017


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